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Melton Borough Council Access Fusion21’s Decarbonisation Framework, and Utilise Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Scheme Funding

Leicestershire-based Fusion21 member Melton Borough Council has accessed our Decarbonisation Framework, appointing contractor E.ON Energy Solutions Limited to secure Local Authority Delivery (LAD 1b) Scheme funding, and deliver works to improve the energy efficiency rating of its low income and low energy performance certificate (EPC) rated properties.

Agreed via Direct Award and using Lot 1 ‘Whole House Decarbonisation’, a contract worth more than £690,000 was negotiated commissioning E.ON to provide a full turn-key solution covering:

  • Property analysis and eligibility criteria.
  • The installation of energy saving measures.
  • End-to-end support during the customer journey.
  • Installation and post-install behaviour change advice, helping households gain the maximum benefits from the new measures.  

Like all suppliers on Fusion21’s Decarbonisation Framework, E.ON is PAS2035:2019 compliant and Trustmark accredited.

The outcomes from the contract will:

  • Increase EPC ratings for the properties identified.
  • Tackle fuel poverty while reducing energy bills.
  • Ensure homes are thermally comfortable and efficient.
  • Contribute to supporting the UK’s commitment to net zero by 2050.
  • Inform the development and design of further energy efficiency and heat schemes.
  • Include social value delivery activity, tailored to the council’s priorities.

Christopher Flannery, Housing Asset Manager at Melton Borough Council said: "This scheme has provided solar panels to 50 council owned properties, targeting some of our homes with the poorest energy ratings. These panels will generate electricity which will help to reduce the residents’ electricity bills and also feed any surplus back into the national grid. A further thirteen properties have benefitted from external wall insulation, which will improve the thermal performance of the property, reducing the heating costs and improving living conditions. The insulation will help to reduce cold spots where condensation can form and cause mould issues.

"We have been impressed with Fusion21’s technical expertise and support throughout this important contract - from our initial discussions through to mobilisation stage.”

Cllr Ronan Browne, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord services at Melton Borough Council added:“Resident wellbeing continues to remain a priority for us, and this project is another example of how we are tackling fuel poverty and reducing energy bills at time when it is needed more than ever.

“We will engage with tenants to understand the daily benefits they are receiving from these improvement works and ensure that lessons learnt from this project will inform the successful delivery of future energy efficiency and heat schemes.”

Alan Jones (Business Development Manager) at E.ON commented: “Experienced working in partnership with local authorities to secure and deliver Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Scheme funding, we are delighted to be supporting Melton Borough Council - improving the energy efficiency of its low energy performing and low income households, while supporting residents to gain the greatest benefit from the new measures in place.”

Are you a public sector organisation seeking the implementation of greener energy measures or keen to discuss funding options? We can help you meet your targets. To find out more, call us on 0845 308 2321 or email us at info@fusion21.co.uk

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