Welcome to Fusion21's Decarb Hub
As we continue to support more of our members to plan and prepare for current and future decarbonisation funding, our Decarb Hub acts as a resource for you to keep up to date with news and hear from our experts about how we can help.
How to Prepare for your Funding Applications?
We have developed seven key steps with our expert partners who have successfully delivered Social Housing Decarbonisation Funding (SHDF) projects.
This aims to help you take vital steps now to ensure you make the most of this funding opportunity to transform homes in your communities.
Understand your targets, be clear about what you are setting out to achieve through the funding, and make sure you have a backup list.
Select your retrofit delivery partner early, think about partnerships and a turn-key approach – enlist experts to manage this process.
Engage comprehensively with tenants.
Integrate funding with planned capital works programmes.
Start data analysis as early as possible - don’t rely on historic, out-of-date, or inaccurate property data. Identify the gaps and weaknesses in your stock data.
Time Management
Use time wisely, cleanse your data, undertake sample EPCs, retrofit assessments, and technical surveys at the pre-submission stage.
Engage early with relevant bodies such as Planning, Building Control, Distribution Network Operators and understand what information you will need to provide e.g. asbestos surveys.
“Enabling works for SHDF Wave 3 needs to commence now. Seeking expert help and taking the steps outlined above will really help landlords maximise the opportunities SHDF presents and ensure projects are delivered within funding timescales."

“Incorporating energy efficiency measures within social housing can streamline the decarbonisation process. We’re already working with our members to plan and prepare for the next round of funding ensuring social housing providers get vital support on their net zero journey and implement energy efficiency measures that not only improve living conditions but also drive economic growth in local communities.”
Get In Touch
If you would like more information about decarbonisation solutions and how we can help with your funding applications, please get in touch by completing the below form and one of our team will be in touch!