Public Sector organisations across the UK who are eligible to become members of Fusion21

Classification of Geographical areas referred to in contract notices
United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Administrative Regions of the United Kingdom: All Local Government administered regions of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Regions in England: Reference may be made to the 9 highest tier of Regions:
East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, South East, South West, North West, North East, Yorkshire & Humber, London.
If you require further information please contact us.
Who can work with us?
Fusion21 Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems are for use by any organisation that fall into one or more of the categories listed and can be identified through the links provided as permissible users in accordance with Regulation 33(5) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
This includes any subsidiary, sponsoring department, joint venture, partnership or arms-length organisation of such bodies.
Local Government
Central Government
Including their agencies and non-departmental government bodies
Housing organisations and Registered Providers that provide social or affordable housing. They include Housing Associations, Trusts and Cooperatives, Arms Length Management Organisations, Large Scale Voluntary Transfer Organisations and Local Authorities.
Current Registered Providers of Social Housing
Welsh Registered Social LandlordsEducation
Nursery School, Primary School, Middle or High School, Secondary School, Academy, Special School, Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), Free Schools, Independent Schools, Further Education College, University.
Department of Education Institution Search
Northern Ireland Further Education Colleges
NHS Bodies, the HSC (Northern Ireland) Ambulance Services and Hospices:
Blue light
Police and Fire Services (including Police and Crime Commissioners):
Any other public body
Any other public body that is not already identified through the links above